The Reeve's Tale magazine   December  2002
                                                                        page 26                                                                                                             page 27

For Long or Short Term house lets look no further:  at Foxley.

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Foxley P.C.C. met at Foxley Lodge on13th.November.  The Chair was taken by Canon Michael Paddison, Rural Dean, who has the responsibility for our Benefice pending the finding of a new Rector.  Members decided that, since we now have permission, known in Church of England jargon as a "Faculty", to dispose of our un-needed funeral bier (lack of space), we would make serious efforts to sell it. These antique biers have been quite sought after. They can be used in various ways, often as a display platform, for oriental rugs for instance, antiques or flower arrangements or leaflets in churches.

The Hassocks Campaign is gathering momentum and the special designs with appropriate motifs and themes for Foxley are being developed. Monica Hatch and the Committee will be writing to all volunteer embroiderers and sponsors with an update shortly.

The Church has paid its contribution to the Diocese of £3301 for the year, though the burden falls on a few generous supporters. In the light of the present financial difficulties of the Diocese, due to many factors, this burden will become greater in the future.

As has been the custom for several years the P.C.C. resolved to make a special effort this Christmas to support two very worth-while charities: The East Anglian Children's Hospices and the Christian Aid Fund to help the destitute victims of the Robert Mugabe regime in Zimbabwe. The collections at the carol service and  the midnight Holy Communion will be devoted to this.

John Harvey, Churchwarden explained the process of choosing a new Rector for the Benefice and Foxley's part in it. Nigel Hatch was elected as Parish Representative at the necessary meetings and interviews.
Diana Harvey

4th December  Children’s Society Coffee Morning 10am 
at Foxley Lodge, Old Fakenham Road, Foxley. 
Bring & Buy, cakes, jams and bric-a-brac, raff



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