The Reeve's Tale magazine  April 2003
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FROM: Rev Tom Candeland, 2 Hammonds Place, Lyng. 26


Christians believe in God and go to church because they believe they have been called and attracted by Christ.  They also have many human needs which they hope the church will meet.

in 1998 a school in Chula Vista set a homework assignment for its 3rd grade students.  Here is the edited response of one pupil, Danny Dutton, then aged 8 years, to the topic: “EXPLAIN GOD”.

It provides much to provoke thought and discussion on the nature and purpose of the church and our communal and personal relationship with God.  I hope you may use the rest of Lent, Holy Week and Easter to give time to read Danny’s simple yet profound words.  They contain much of value.

Explain God – written by Danny Dutton (aged 8)

“One of God’s main jobs is making people.  He makes these to put in place of the ones that die, so that there will be enough people to take care of things here on earth.  He doesn’t make grownups – just babies.  I think because they are smaller and easier to make.

Jesus is God’s son.  He used to do all the hard work, like walking on water and doing miracles and trying to teach people about God who didn’t want to learn.  They finally got tired of Jesus preaching to them and they crucified him.  But he was good and kind like his Father, and he told his Father that they didn’t know what they were doing and to forgive them.  God said OK.

His Dad (God) appreciated everything he had done and all his work on earth, so he told him he didn’t have to go out on the road any more.  He could stay in heaven.  So he did, and now he helps his Dad out by listening to prayers and seeing which things are important to God to take care of and which things he can take care of himself, without having to bother God.  Like a secretary, only more important of course.

You can pray at any time you want and they are sure to hear you because they got it worked out so one of them is on duty all the time. You should go to church because it makes God happy, and if there’s anybody you want to make happy, it’s God.  Don’t skip going to church to do something you think will be more fun.  That’s wrong!

If you don’t believe in God, you will be very lonely, because your parents can’t go everywhere with you all the time.

It’s good to know that God is around when you’re scared of the dark or when you can’t swim very good and you get thrown in real deep water by the big kids.  I figure he put me here and can take me back any time he pleases.

And that’s why I believe in God”.

In God’s love and with his blessing this Easter Tide.
Revd Tom Candeland

Prayer Point – Local Churches Provide Neighbourhood Request Scheme
Christians from local churches are providing a prayer request service for all six parishes.
If people would like Christians from a local church or churches to pay about something that is on their mind all they need to do is fill in a simple request form and return it to a nearby Prayer Point, where theys ee s distinctive Prayer Point sticker.
local Christians will then pray for that request.  People can give as little or as much information as they wish and confidentiality will be respected.  No-one will call on those who make a request unless they specifically ask for a visit.
National Co-ordinator of the scheme Revd Paul Harris says, “We can’t promise blue skies, a lottery win or even a win for the local soccer team but we do think prayer changes situations!  More and more people seem happy to ask for prayer. 
 “ …we got involved because we think prayer makes a difference…”
Prayer Points is part of a UK wide project called face values in which thousands of churches are serving their communities in a variety of ways.

CONTACT Revd Tom Candeland 01603 871674
National: or Tel 020 7207 2132





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