The Reeve's Tale magazine  FEBRUARY 2003
                                                                page 14                                                                                              page 15


Make a positive contribution to your own health

AROMATHERAPHY - Relief from muscle & joint pain, stress, a wonderful way to relax.
HEALTH KINESIOLOGY - Using Chinese medicine principles your body’s energy system & muscle testing to bring your body into harmony & balance - used for various problems, weight, depression, insomnia, skin conditions, learning difficulties, joint pain, menopausal, stress, thyroid and breathing problems.
REIKI – Hands on healing for many ailments.
BABY MASSAGE – Enhance your baby’s life from the very beginning with a gift of love to help all his bodily functions and help with your lack of sleep. Classes held for small groups at your home or my clinic. 



Winter Tours 2003

Some of you may remember Norman Fahy who visited our villages to encourage us to set up circular walks in the area – he was working for a project called Time Loops.
His current occupation is that of Head Custodian at Castle Rising castle near Kings Lynn.  He has got in touch with the Reeve’s Tale to offer our readers private tours of the castle during the winter months.

Castle Rising is one of the most important and most filmed 12C castles in England.
Although the main section of the roof no longer exists, the walls are fully intact and some of the rooms are in perfect condition.  This together with massive earthworks reaching to 120ft high in places, ensures that Rising is a spectacular castle.
The most famous period of its history was when it was the home of Queen Isabella the mother of Edward III, following her part in the murder of his father Edward II.
The castle passed to the Howard family in 1544 and remains in their hands today.

Tours lasting about 1½ hours will be conducted on Mondays and Tuesdays when the castle is normally closed and will include access normally denied to visitors.  You will have the opportunity to talk about the history of the castle and enjoy a much more interesting and informative visit than you normally would.

The special Winter Tours will run until 31st March

Mornings  9.00am – 11.00am
Afternoons 1.00pm – 3.00pm

For further information please contact Norman Fahy on (01553) 631330 or write to him at Castle Rising castle, Castle Rising, Kings Lynn, Norfolk PE31 6AH.


Report on the Reeve’s Tale Finances for 2002.
The Reeve’s Tale is an independent non-profit making magazine voluntarily produced as a means of communication in the villages of Bawdeswell and Foxley.  It is supported  by both our Parish Councils, advertisers and donations from its readers.
During 2002-
Printing costs were £1,680  –  up £40 on the previous year.
Donations were £294  -  down £34.
Advertising Receipts  -  were £1,764, up by £85, so the bills were paid.
Although the advertising pays for the printing in a good year, your donations are needed towards the paper, ink cartridges, postage and computer maintenance, website fees etc. needed in the production of it.
Thank you for your continued support.  The Reeve’s Tale collecting tin is on the counter at Bawdeswell Store.

Anyone wishing to examine the full accounts, please contact the Editor who will be pleased to make them available. 


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