The Reeve's Tale magazine  November   2003
                                                                                  page 8                                                                                                                                 page 9


Arrangements for the opening of the new branch surgery in Swanton Morley were a major topic for discussion at the September meeting of the Patient Participation Group.

The new surgery, which will be in the grounds of the Lincoln House nursing home, is due to open for business on December 1st and an additional doctor has already been appointed. The new arrival is Dr Victoria Holliday. Born and bred in Norfolk, she is returning home from the United States where, latterly, she lectured at Harvard. Her appointment promises to be particularly welcome to the many patients who have expressed a preference for a woman doctor.

The Swanton Morley surgery will be housed in temporary, portable accommodation while a permanent structure is built alongside the Lincoln House site. It will include a small dispensary. This will not affect the prescription delivery service that was started recently to serve the northern end of Swanton Morley, using the post office near the Darby’s pub. Doctors, nurse practitioners and ancillary staff will rotate between the two surgeries. The group has been assured that patients in Swanton Morley will continue to have access to the doctor of their choice, by making the necessary appointment at either surgery.

Meanwhile, the extension to the surgery in Elmham continues apace. January 1st remains the target date for completion. Discussion has centred on the details, not least on the dispensary and on how the increased space it will occupy can be used to cut down on the queues of people waiting to collect prescriptions. A dispensary manager has been appointed. The group has also put forward detailed suggestions to improve physical access to the facilities within the surgery building.

The clash between the traffic of the contractors and of the patients continues to cause problems, particularly at times when children are being delivered to or collected from the school. Could not the arrival of building materials be delayed until quieter times? The practice is co-operative; the builders, sympathetic. The suppliers, especially those from some distance away, have proved to be less amenable. The explanation, alas, is much easier than a solution.

The patient group’s next meeting will be on Thursday 13 November, 2003 at Elmham School at 7.30pm.  If there’s any matter you would like to raise, contact Alan MacKim (01362 668831), Ann Adeney (01362 683380) or Isabel Fowler (01362 668909).

Alan MacKim


7th OCTOBER  2003 at 7.30pm. IN  THE VILLAGE HALL

PRESENT:  Councillors Hind(Chairman), Mallen and Copeman
                   Mrs. I. Floering Blackman (CC)Mr. G. Bambridge (DC) 11 Parishioners                                               
APOLOGIES:   Councillors Jackson, Lilwall, McColville and Wallace.  
MINUTES OF LAST MEETING:    Agreed and signed
- Brown bins - Breckland charge at present but small amounts of garden rubbish can be placed in general bin in a bag.
- Clerk written to NCC about state of The Street after resurfacing - contractors informed.
- Land fronting Dereham Road/N.W.of The Drift -residential dev.(3 plots)
Objections are:  outside settlement boundary/not replacement dwelling or conversion/does not meet exceptional circumstances in HOU14/is not connected with agriculture, forestry, recreation nor extension of tourist facilities/road access extremely dangerous/cause ribbon development along road.
- Old Workhouse Paddocks, Reepham Road - erection of building for vehicle ,general storage, tack room and shower room -Objections are: outside settlement boundary/not replacement dwelling or conversion/conditions imposed on original PP not sorted out/on original conditions in force building of this size not needed/can be changed into Riding School or house causing ribbon development along road/entrance-exit still dangerous.
- 36 Norwich Road - Extension/alterations - No Objections.
PP granted to: Mayes Cottage,extension/24 Two Fields Way-conservatory/
Church View-rooflight to attic.
Refusal of PP - Stable Cottage, The Street - lst floor extension /The Shetlands,
Reepham Road - construction of Day room.
- Field between Hall and Paradise Roads(owned by Rogers) is outside settlement boundary and unlikely to be included in new local plan - no reply to invitation to PC meeting to hear proposed plans.
SPEED LIMITS:  Clerk written to NCC about possibility of flashing signs/20mph limits/traffic calming measures - Senior Engineer to visit and discuss options and costings.
 VILLAGE APPRAISAL:  Parish Plan due out shortly.


SALT/GRIT BINS:   All four bins have been vandalised and are now considered useless and dangerous.   They will be emptied and removed.  Clerk to check prices of vandal proof bins.   Due to mindless people this is another facility provided by the PC which is being l


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