The Reeve's Tale magazine October  2003
                                                                                 page 12                                                                                                                                     page 13


The Patient Participation Group failed to participate last month. The August meeting fell victim to illness and holidays. This month’s was due to take place after the closing date for this issue of the magazine but the Surgery itself has not been standing still.
The staff car-park at the rear of the Surgery has been completed and it’s expected that the extension to the building will be in use by January. One big improvement will be increased space for the dispensary. Arrangements are also going ahead to provide accommodation for a dental clinic alongside a series of specialist treatment rooms.
Another notable change that will be made will be a suspended walkway at first-floor height across the entrance-hall, running from the extension to the offices above the doctors’ interviewing rooms. This will enable the practice to employ physically disabled staff who will be able to reach the offices by taking the lift that will be in the extension.
Developments are also moving apace with the scheme to open a ‘satellite’ surgery in Swanton Morley, in the grounds of Lincoln House nursing home. The expectation is that this will come into operation at the beginning of December. Initially, it will be housed in temporary, portable accommodation until the permanent building takes shape. 
The new surgery will be led by a Nurse Practitioner but it will also involve an extra doctor coming onto the strength of the practice. There should be news of this very soon.
                                                       Alan MacKim


Margaret Peachment introduced our speaker, Mrs. Jacqueline Smart. Jacqueline is a privately trained chiropodist and her working day is spent making home visits in the Swaffham/Watton area.
She pointed out the uses of some of the equipment she had brought with her, stressing the value of skin care and the vital importance of the foot file. We were able to pick up some useful tips for the care of feet. (I'm sure we all have heard of fallen arches - but who knew that a foot has four arches - all of which could suffer that painful fate?)
The exhibit 'Homemade Biscuits' was won by Margaret Peachment, 2nd Trish Chipp. The raffle was won by JUNE, who was making a final surprise visit to our September meeting.
Next month, on 13th October, our talk is on Pruning; guest speaker Mr. Alan Barson. For the exhibition we are invited to bring a single stem flower from the garden. Let's have lots of colourful entries.
Hope to see you all at the next meeting - 7.30 p.m. in Sparham Old School Room. New members welcome.
                                                                Mary Humphry



Bawdeswell Village Hall Committee

Parish Christmas Fair 
at Bawdeswell Village Hall
in aid of the Village Hall Development fund.

22 November
Doors open at 10.30am
Many stalls plus light refreshments.

Friends of Bawdeswell Church

Christmas Tree Festival
weekend  13,14th December
A few more sponsors and people to decorate the trees needed.

Dedicate a tree to a loved one.  A card will be placed in front of it for  Christmas.  Please contact one of the telephone numbers:  688499 
or 688268    Trees will be provided.

Christmas Concert 
4pm Sunday 14th December

James Lilwall & Friends plus (hopefully) 
some local children.
Christmas Tea & Mulled Wine


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