The Reeve's Tale magazine  AUGUST/SEPTEMBER  2004
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Extracts from the meeting on Wednesday 14 July 2004 at 7.30 in the village hall.
Present: Mr J Harvey, Mr N Mears, Mrs B Slattery, Mrs R Waller, the Clerk and 7 parishioners
Apologies: Mr G Bambridge
Before the meeting started, Mr Harvey paid tribute to Mr Don Davis of Lawrence Place who had recently died. He was a staunch supporter of council meetings and unveiled the new Village Sign in 1989.
Minutes: The minutes of the last meeting accepted and signed.
Matters arising: Since Mrs Floering Blackman was unavailable, the TETRA report and discussion on Foxley Wood was not able to take place but the clerk would write to NWT regarding the present situation.
Letter would be written to AWA asking for their report on why the work promised was not undertaken and a letter  of complaint would be sent to OFWAT.
The parking near Peran Wisa seems to have resolved itself but the Council is awaiting a reply from the Enforcement section of BC.
The insurance on the village hall had been upgraded. The village hall committee wondered if a joint policy for buildings and content would be less expensive for them. The clerk to investigate.
Correspondence: included an invitation to visit Recycling Plant in Norwich ; Beetley Recycling Centre will close on or before 31.10.04; Winter Maintenance Questionnaire to be filled in; a letter of thanks from The Reeve's Tale for donation.
Planning Applications: Mrs Gook, Honeysuckle Cottage - Renewal of permission from 1999 had been granted by BC.
Mr & Mrs Partlow - an extension to the rear - Parish Council had no objections.
Report on Bus Shelter. Meetings had taken place with the proposed suppliers of the shelter and the Highways Engineer and much discussion had taken place. In order to qualify for a grant to fund 75% of the project, it would need to be accepted by Highways. However, in the light of new legislation regarding the suitability of structures to meet the needs of the disabled and pushchairs etc, the Highways Engineer felt that the most suitable place for the shelter was on a site near to where Chapel Road used to cross the main road. The old site meant that people had to cross The Street in order to board the bus and it is on a very dangerous conjunction of roads. The new site would offer a clear sight along the road for road users and act as a traffic calming measure. Passengers from West Foxley would find it easier to access and those from East Foxley could walk down Chapel Road. The Parish Council accepted that the change might not be acceptable to everyone but knowing that the grant was reliant on complying with legislation, and that the village had wanted a new bus shelter, they voted 3 to 1 to go ahead with the new site.
Finance: The financial report was circularised, explained and accepted. Payment was approved for the Clerk's salary July 03-July 04 £600.
Date of the next meeting:  Wednesday 8 September at 7.30 in the Village Hall.
The meeting closed at 8.50 pm


Following the resignation of Betty Slattery from Foxley Parish Council, there is a vacancy.
Betty was kind enough to come forward when too few stood for the Parish Council at the last elections.
Please consider being co-opted on to the Parish Council and doing  this for your village.  If you are interested, contact the Chairman - John Harvey.


We are delighted to report that our application to the Lottery fund ‘Awards for All’ was successful and we have received  £1150 for the purchase of various items of equipment for the Society. This will include a photocopier, projection equipment and spare pairs of binoculars for use by newcomers on field trips. The binoculars, already purchased, were immediately put to good  use on our June…. 

Field trip to Minsmere:  In fine weather and, without a thought for Tim Henman, we enjoyed the excellent facilities of the RSPB reserve at Minsmere under the leadership of Ray Gribble. Highlights were the majestic Marsh Harriers, several Hobbys, a Bittern flying close by the hide,  Dartford Warblers and fleeting glimpses of Bearded Tits as they flew low over the reed beds.  

Our outdoor meeting in August is Thursday 19th  at Sculthorpe Moor Nature Reserve.  Start at 5 p.m. from the reserve car park. Newcomers always welcome (binoculars provided!). Further details from Alwyn on 01362-637752. 

Colin Wright:  []


At our last meeting, Ivan Tubby handed over the reins to our new President, Robert Briggs. He has planned what looks to be a very exciting year ahead.  Various fundraising events are being organised and one of the major projects will be building a new toilet and shower block at Whitwell Hall.  Luckily, with so many builders in the club and lots of willing labourers, we hope to physically construct the whole unit during April of next year.  Ian Moulton who is an architect is hopefully co-ordinating.  Everybody in the club will, hopefully, be able to give a hand, whether it be mixing cement, building walls, digging drains or of course the inevitable making tea!
Robert intends to support the local MIND charity in Norwich together with the Reepham Patient Care Fund for his chosen charities this year. Jeanette Overton, who started the fund, already has a Paul Harris Fellowship Award by the club for her achievements.  I am afraid that Jeanette will have to sing for her supper one evening by telling the club all about her charity work. 

John Tym and Robert Briggs took 5 pupils, plus a member of staff from Reepham High School to the Excitement of Science in London.  A very successful day was had thoroughly enjoyed by all the pupils concerned.
Ken Ewing


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