The Reeve's Tale magazine  AUGUST/SEPTEMBER  2004
                                                                    page 14                                                                                                                                                          page 15

James Fletcher-Watson  
An internationally-renowned artist and highly respected architect, responsible for several of Norfolk's great buildings, including Bawdeswell Church, has died at the age of 90.
He spent much of his childhood in Norfolk but at the age of 20, while working for Maurice Webb and Partners Architects in London, his first picture was accepted to the Royal Academy.                              .
He had a distinguished military career and after the war he joined his uncle as a partner in his architectural firm, at Pulls Ferry, Norwich. His work included Bawdeswell Church and the Bishop's House in Norwich. 
Mr Fletcher-Watson was a regular exhibitor at the Royal Academy and was an elected member of the Royal Institute of Painters in Watercolour in 1952 and the Royal Society of British Artists in 1957.
He had one-man exhibitions in America, Australia and London with an annual showing at his own Gallery - the last one in 2002.
The artist wrote five books on watercolour painting, was featured in four videos and held regular painting classes both in the UK and abroad.
Through his work, and with the constant help of his wife Gill, he helped people to see the beauty of the world he painted.
Mr Fletcher-Watson, who had four children and five grandchildren, died on June 12.
From the EDP website 



We have been celebrating the rebuilding of the church with a special Birthday Service on 11th July at which David our Rector preached on the theme of “God’s House”.  The following Saturday we celebrated with a supper and concert in the church.  Nearly 100 people attended.  June Harrison, accompanied by James Lilwall, sang beautifully for us.  The narrator was Roger Hales and the theme ‘The Music of George Frederic Handel’.  
Thank you all who supported us and the Friends for organising this and treating us to such a nice supper.  A special thank-you to the flower arranging group for their beautiful displays.
In 1954 the church was all but complete but delays were caused by controversy over the proposed spire and arguments about who should pay for the fitting out of the new building.  It was to be another year before the church was completed and was consecrated.  It gives us an excuse for another celebration next year!

We are very grateful to the Friends of Bawdeswell Church for their continued support. A new outside Notice Board has been erected and they are going to share the cost with the Parish Council of replacing the small church gate. 

On Sunday 29th August it is our turn to host the Benefice Choir with a special service of Words & Praise at 1030.
The Norfolk Churches Trust Sponsored Cycle Ride is on Saturday 11th September.
Our Harvest Festival will be at 6pm on Sunday 19th September, preceded on Saturday 18th  by the Friends’ Harvest Supper and Ceilidh.

No August meetings. 
Next meetings  3rd September  &  17th September,  1st October.
More details from Irene Ames.

“We might define prayer as the presence of God awaiting our presence.
God is always there, and when we too are present, communication flows as naturally as the sun shines. The life-changing element is that we are drawn out of our disintegration and into focus and enabled at last to speak to the One who speaks to us.”   Origin not known.  

Contributed by Ruth Roseveare and Irene Ames.