The Reeve's Tale magazine  December  2003 / January 2004
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Happy Christmas to you all

Christmas programme
The annual Foxley Church Carol Service will be held on Sunday 21st December at 4.30p.m. The Rector, the Revd. David Head, will lead the service. There will be refreshments, mince pies and conversation afterwards.

On Christmas Day there will be a service of Holy Communion at 10.30 a.m., to be led by the Revd. Michael Baker.

Everyone will be warmly welcomed at these services, Foxley villagers, visitors, and anyone else as well.

The collections will be given, half to The Children's Society, and half to Hope and Homes for Children. Everywhere there are children in trouble, and whatever one may think of the reasons why, it is rarely the children’s fault. The needs are enormous, and our resources are tiny in comparison, but our little will help. Please come and give generously this Christmas.

The Children's Society
This well-known Church of England charity looks out for children in this country in difficulties with themselves, because they can't cope with school, or with their families, who don't cope well either, so they want to run away and sometimes do, or with society, so they find themselves in prison on remand. Old-fashioned orphans' homes are no longer the answer, and the Society runs a large variety of projects to try to repair the damage already done.

Hope and Homes for Children
Colonel Mark Cook was a soldier in Bosnia. He was so moved by the plight of the children he saw whose lives were disrupted by civil war that he started this charity to help them. It caught the imagination of others, and is now also operating in other parts of the world, including Eritrea, also war-torn, and South Africa, where HIV/AIDS orphans huge numbers of children, poor before, but now desolate when left alone in the world. It supports local efforts to run children's homes, and helps with other needs, such as home repairs and education.


Bible Study Groups will be held during Advent
at Lyng Rectory:

Monday evenings, 7.30 - 9.00 pm, starting 1st December

Tuesday afternoons, 2.00 - 3.30 pm, starting 2nd December

Will you please let the Rector know  if you are
able to join either group.

Foxley PCC -  Springboard

Instead of a report on the last PCC meeting, here is a brief report on “Diocesan Springboard”.  

Members of various PCCs in the United Benefice, including Foxley, attended a training evening in Norwich in October.  It was part of the “Springboard” initiative in the Diocese of Norwich, led by Robert Warren and Alison White.  

“Springboard” is based on what was learnt in the “Decade of Evangelism”.  PCC members were told that changes in our culture mean that some things we think of as evangelism are often inappropriate.  If Christians feel that their faith is valuable and robust, then nothing will be lost in dealing more gently with people who want to learn more.  PCC members were encouraged to listen to others; be aware of their spirituality; challenge the idea that life is only about fulfilment and not sacrifice as well; not be too hasty; and show, rather than tell, what God does.

The PCCs were left with the task of discussing over the next months what they can do in response to these ideas.


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