The Reeve's Tale magazine  July   2004      
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A big thank you to the people of Bawdeswell for their wonderful giving this year.  You raised £301.43.  This was up from last year by £228.40p.  Foxley £66.73. Last year any giving was in with the shop box. The total for the six parishes was £1040.00p, a truly remarkable collection. This could not have been achieved without Robin and Sandi putting all the envelopes in the magazines, Andrew and Shirley willing to have the collection box in their shop, Ruth and Janet walking the streets collecting the envelopes.  So once again a very big thank you.          Margaret Keeler

We met at Sparham at 9.15am and 14 children, 5 adults set off for Horstead Centre. We spent the morning having fun climbing the mountain, then zip wiring across the grass into the trees, then back to the lawn as we lowered ourselves down. Oh dear, was one of them going to be up there all day!  Sigh of relief, he worked it out in the end.  But it was back up again, this is fun but scary.  The cry at end of the morning was, “When are we going again?”   No seekers in July.  We are having the Summer Club called  XPEDITIONS …..
We will meet in Sparham Old School,  July 26th-30th,  the cost will be £1 per morning. Our outing is on the theme of climbing at Gt. Hautbois House which is the Girl Guiding centre for camping and all sorts of activities. The instructors are L.E.A. trained.  The cost of this to be subsidized by the Church. Time lOam -12noon.for the week but we will start at Lyng’s  Word and Praise service and finish at Sparham Family Service both 10 30am. Tel: (01603) 872565  to book.  Ages 5yrs to 11yrs.

This was all about the Trinity, a hard subject, but Althea Mann gave a wonderful talk and with the children's help made a triangle, the strongest shape there is used in building bridges.  We looked at photos to show us examples. God is three in one, very hard to understand,  but the Bible tells us this is true.             Margaret Keeler

FROM THE RECTOR      July  2004

Dear Everybody,

God bless you in all that you do.

David Head

NEXT  Church Services for JULY 2004