The Reeve's Tale magazine May 2004
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We celebrated Easter with a joyful service of Holy Communion. The church was beautifully decorated with flowers arranged by several ladies the day before, and their efforts were much appreciated.

The collections at the services last Christmas were divided between The Children’s Society and Hope and Homes for Children. The following report comes from a Hope and Homes newsletter:
New Hope for Sierra Leone - At the end of the civil war Hope and Homes decided to build a new Interim Care Centre in the city of Bo, the Capital of the Southern Region of Sierra Leone, to provide a temporary home for orphaned children, a mother and baby unit to help desperate mothers keep their babies, and a reception centre for Bo's many street children.  It was officially opened in February.
Philip Dean, who helped raise the funds in Britain for this project, was there and reports that "the building is well-constructed, in bungalow style, with generous sized rooms. There are some bits still to be finished off, and there is a second phase a long way from completion. But the real news is the children. They were so well-behaved, very content, and thriving in an atmosphere of love and support. At last there is stability in their young lives, and they have been brought from the depths of despair and hunger to joy and happiness. They wanted to let us know how grateful they are. As far as I could see none of them are wasting this opportunity, and all were really keen to get an education and make something of their lives. The centre was the dream of Lois Kamara, an inspirational local woman of 32. She is a driven woman with huge inner strength and a rock solid Christian faith. The children absolutely adore her, and she runs this family with great effect. I want to assure you that the money given has been used to the best possible effect and has been well worth the sacrifice. It has totally changed these children’s lives and will continue to do so for many years."


The last one was on Palm Sunday.  Mr & Mrs R Proctor Smith brought their pony for our procession and their daughter Rosetta took the part of Jesus riding into Jerusalem.  25 adults and 11 children walked cheering, singing and waving palm leaves.  The service in the church was led by Mrs Gill Page.  The children read a dramatised version of Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem and the Clearing of the Temple.  The talk was on how we can be cheering a hero one minute and booing him the next – what happened between Palm Sunday and Good Friday.




Many thanks to all who decorated the church so beautifully for Easter Sunday – Sue Lilwall, Debbie Lilwall, Diana Hind, June Vince, Kay Gordon, Carol Tipper, Jane Ewing and Sandi Taylor.  Your flower arrangements are always much admired and appreciated.
The  service on Easter Sunday was attended by 70 people and included the baptism of  Charlotte Beamis  whom we welcomed into the family of the church.

For the first time in many years we had a service on Good Friday morning.  It was a service of 10 short readings and periods of contemplation interspersed with single verses from two hymns.  Led by the Rector, David Head, it was much enjoyed by the 20 people who attended.

The PCC Annual Vestry Meeting and AGM took place at the church on 15th April and the Committee were elected for the coming year.  There were no changes except that one new PCC member joined us.
The Audited Accounts and reports on the past year were presented.

The PCC members are as follows:
The Rector, David Gurney (Churchwarden), Robin Taylor (Churchwarden), Margaret Joice (Secretary), Ken Ewing & Jane Ewing (Joint Treasurers), Irene Ames (Electoral Roll Officer), Celia Joice, Brian Winterbone, Sue Lilwall, James Lilwall.

There will be a midweek Communion Service in Bawdeswell Church  on the last Wednesday  of the month – 26th May at 9am.  There has been a request to have this service slightly later to make it available to Mums doing a school run.  Please lobby for this if interested.

The next appearance of the Benefice Choir will be at Lyng Church 10.30am on Sunday 30th May.  Don’t miss this!

JULIAN MEETINGS  MAY  14th & 28th,  JUNE 9th    (Details from Irene Ames)

A reading from one of the April meetings:-  

A life of prayer is a life with open hands where we are not ashamed of our weakness, but realise that it is more perfect for us to be led by the Other than to try to hold everything in our own hands.   Henri J M Nouwen


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