The Reeve's Tale magazine  NOVEMBER  2004
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Held in The Old Workhouse Bar on the first Thursday of the month.

 Book Review

Spies - Michael Frayn

Our August choice was the Whitbread Novel of the Year 2002.

Spies is narrated by Stephen Wheatley, now an old man taking a trip down memory lane.  He returns to London to revisit his childhood cul-de-sac where he grew up during the Second World War.  The smell of the privet hedge evokes a feeling of nostalgia and triggers his memory.  He then switches to the third person to describe his childhood and the events that took place. 

Stephen and his friend Keith who is a  only child play together at Keith's home and in their den under the privet hedge. They become convinced that Keith's mother is a German spy.  They read her diary then follow and spy on her and in the process stumble onto a completely different secret.  As they are both children, and given the time in which this book is set, they only find limited evidence and receive imcomplete explanations about what is happening.  Unwittingly this causes things to end in disaster.

I enjoyed reading Spies and through descriptions of smell, sound and physical sensations which make up so much of our childhood memories, I found it possible to imagine what it must have been like to grow up during the Second World War. It was also easy to understand how  the half truths and childish imaginings of the boys spelt disaster for those involved.

Sue McCloy

We are a month behind with the Book Club reviews because the Reeve’s Tale took a month off in August.  Ed




PRESENT:  Councillor Mallen, (acting Chairman),Lilwall, Swain and Wallace
6 Parishioners
APOLOGIES- Councillors Hind and McColville.  Mrs. Floering Blackman (CC) and Mr. Bambridge (DC)
MATTERS ARISING: vacancy for Councillor advertised on Notice Board – if anyone is interested please contact Clerk
Andrea Bolton and Philip Mileham, Breckland Planning Officers, attended the meeting and talked about the proposed changes to the current Local Plan which will be completed over the next 3 years.    Various principles will be taken into account and Breckland want to gather information during the remainder of 2004 assessing the suitability of sites for development.   Bawdeswell Parish Council will be a statutory consultee  but will need help from Parishioners on how they wish to see Bawdeswell develop – what does it want and need – are there valuable open spaces, buildings and views that should be protected?  What issues should be taken into account in planning the future?    The PC have already started looking at various sites which could be included .   It is hoped to have another meeting shortly to discuss this further.
-Clerk had written to NCC asking if the proposed 40mph signs along the Reepham Road can be changed to 30mph.
- Meeting with Highways to take place on Friday 8th October to discuss tree planting along the verges of the B1067 .

DATE OF NEXT MEETING:  Monday lst November 2004 at 7.30pm IN THE VILLAGE HALL.


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