The Reeve's Tale magazine  July 2003
                                                                page 10                                                                                                        page 11

Foxley Parish Council Annual Meeting

Draft minutes of the Annual Meeting held on April 23rd 2002 at 7.30 in the village hall.
Apologies Mrs. B. Slattery  Mr. J. Driver  Mrs. I. Floering Blackman
Present  Mr. J. Harvey  Mr N.Mears  Mrs. R. Waller  Mr. J.Mallen (District Councillor) Mrs J.Streatfield (clerk), 10 parishioners.
Election of Officers
The clerk opened the meeting and advised that although two members of the council were unable to attend, voting could proceed as there were sufficient for a quorum and the chairman could exercise his right to a casting vote.
Chairman Mr. J. Harvey proposed  RW  seconded   NM
Vice-Chairman Mr. N. Mears proposed  JH    seconded   RW
Minutes of the previous meeting on April 24th 2001 were read and adopted as a true record.
Matters Arising None
Chairman’s Report  Four meetings had been held in the year in July, October, December, February. The main points had been:
· RMC Aggregates pit application    The Council, neighbouring Councils and District & County Councils had all put in a great deal of work and the outcome was as good as could be hoped for. He congratulated all concerned. It was hoped that the House of Lords did not reverse the conclusions.
· Various planning applications have been considered and views submitted to Breckland.
· Drainage & highways matters have had a large part in discussions reflecting the concerns of the residents.
· The Chairman expressed his grateful thanks to:
· The Vice-Chairman and other councillors for their time & input.
· District & County Councillors for their invaluable input and support.
· John Driver for his work on the Village Appraisal & Loop
· Dennis Barrett for his leadership of the Village Hall Committee
· Jenny Streatfield the new clerk
All parishioners who have turned out on often inhospitable evenings to share their views.
Financial Report  The clerk outlined the financial position. Apart from a small amount of interest the sole income of the Council was the precept. Major expenditure was grants to the PCC and Village Hall, Insurance, subscriptions to professional associations and the clerk’s salary. There had been a small amount of excess income over expenditure. Copies of the balance sheet were available.
Report of village Hall Committee  Mr. Barrett reported on an active and successful year for the village hall. It is now being used regularly for the new Social Club and Short Mat Bowls and other events have included: 
Stalls at Open Gardens Day, Art Gallery for Mr. Walton’s paintings, Band Practice,
Social Evenings to raise money for charity.

Improvements and repairs have included:   new tables & chairs, items for the kitchen, a new notice board in preparation and blocking up of rear window. Health & Safety gave an excellent report and an Entertainment Licence has been granted subject to updating of the electrics. Negotiations are going ahead to obtain a grant to provide a disabled toilet, which will be mandatory by 2004.


Meetings in June – 27th. 
Meetings in July 4th and 18th 
Irene Ames



Foxley Annual Parish Meeting

Draft minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting held on April 23rd 2002 at 7.30 in the village hall.
Apologies & Present: as Annual Parish Council Meeting on previous page.
Minutes:  The minutes of the previous meeting on April 24th 2001 were read and adopted as a true record.
Matters Arising:
Bus Shelter
NM reported that repairs had been done to the Bus Shelter but damage had occurred again. It is a rather flimsy structure and stronger boards were needed or a new structure. Mr. Walton suggested a new brick building to mark Jubilee year. NM would prepare a costing for the next Parish Council meeting and the possibility of grants pursued. 
School bus 
It was reported that children are having to cross the 1067 from east to west to catch the Dereham Sixth form bus. Great concern was expressed at this dangerous practice. JM will follow it up.
Open Discussion
Road Sweeping
It was reported that the road sweeper had done a very good job on the east side of the village but had not visited the west. JM said that Planning & Transportation are responsible and the person to contact is Mr. Simon Davy at Breckland. He would chase it up and also the signs left littering the verge. It was felt that the area around the Memorial was particularly important. 
Village Sign 
The village sign will be painted in the summer.
Litter in the lay-by
JM reminded the meeting that fly tipping could be removed within 24 hours. The number to ring is posted on the notice boards.

The meeting closed at 8.15pm



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