The Reeve's Tale magazine    July  2003
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John Clarke, 66, who lived at Jasmine House on the corner of Dereham Road died in the Norfolk and Norwich University at the end of May.
John, a parish councillor for the last four years, and a retired bank manager will be much missed.  He was a gentle person with a wry sense of humour, and he put a lot of work into his home and his garden. 
He leaves behind his wife Sue, daughters Sarah and Becky, and also in Bawdeswell his sister Pauline, and a very sad dog.
The Reeve’s Tale will miss John too as he delivered the magazine down the Dereham Road, and it was always nice to chat with him every month.
Robin Taylor


Christian Aid.  Sparham Deanery Committee would like to thank every person who helped to raise the following money:-
Lyng Shop box  £69.82, Lyng village  £250.29, Sparham Coffee Morning and envelopes  £178.49, Elsing £63.53, Bawdeswell Shop box  £36.65, Bawdeswell village £36.38.
I have received a letter thanking us for the donations, and a special thanks from Ossophes a partner from Cambodia who visited this country to share with us what your money means to people there.  For just £1.45 a large mosquito net can be bought to protect a whole family from malaria – a very big killer over there.
Margaret Keeler

Foxley.  A lot of people are concerned as to the safety of children who are riding bikes and running across the road in front of cars at the entrance to Lawrence Place.
On darker nights  children have been laying and rolling across the road in front of cars in Chapel Road (East).  Also tape was tied across the road, causing a car to do an emergency stop.
If they must be out on dark nights, can they not wear something so they are seen?  The matter has been brought to the attention of the Parish Council.

‘Worried’, Foxley.  Name and Address supplied.

Bawdeswell.  Being a responsible dog owner, I do the decent thing and clean up after my dog, but many people seem to see nothing wrong with leaving a pile for others to step in!  There are plenty of poop scoop signs in the village but only one bin.  It is time to do something about it for the health and well-being of our children and to educate the next generation to take responsibility for their dogs.  Anonymous.
Bawdeswell Parish Council have put in hand the ordering of more bins, see PC Minutes this month.  Ed




Sunday 29th June at 1.30pm
At Longview, Mill Road, Foxley
(By kind permission of Ivan Powley)

Head Candy’s five piece band to entertain; Chefs with hot barbeques to cook your food. Just bring along your family, friends, food & drink, cutlery & crockery. Relax and have fun with Garden games and bowls. Gazebos and chairs available but a few rugs would be a good idea.  £2 admission, to include raffle ticket. 
Please come along on the day but if you have any questions ring 688768, 438, 099, 713.

Floranova Tour with Dominic Lacey
Wednesday 13th August at 6.30pm

Dominic Lacey of Floranova has kindly offered to host a tour for the residents of Foxley. Would anyone interested please be kind enough to contact Ruth Whitmore on 688768.

Foxley Social Club Forthcoming Events:

RACE EVENING : Be a Race Horse Owner for an evening. Saturday 20th September 7.45 for 8pm in Foxley Village Hall.
£5 entry to include Buffet Supper.

Foxley Social Club meets in the Village Hall at 2pm on alternate Wednesdays. The next meeting is on Wednesday 25th June. The AGM will be held on Wednesday 23rd July and on Wednesday 6th August, we welcome John Stapleford to talk on “The Red Squirrel The Doormouse”.


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