The Reeve's Tale magazine  May 2003
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· On March 13th we held a Bring and Buy Sale for the Blue Peter Appeal and raised a total sum of £89.48. Thank you to everyone involved.
· On March 25th Peta Jones from the Library Service came and worked with members of Class 3 to sharpen up their skills when using the library.
· On the evening of 26th March a number of parents visited school to meet with Barry Gibson, Drugs advisor with Norfolk Education Authority.  The parents commented on how it improved their understanding of Drugs Education and how important it was to know the facts about drugs. 
· On April 1st the Choir performed at St Andrews Hall in an Annual Spring Concert. 

A report from Oliver Hubbard :-   On Tuesday 1st April 2003 Bawdeswell C P Choir along with seven other schools went to sing in an Annual Spring Concert at St Andrews all in Norwich.  The Bawdeswell Choir arrived at school at 6.15pm and we were ready to go.
The journey was 30 minutes long, and when we arrived there was a huge queue outside the door so we knew there was going to be a big crowd.  Once we were inside the hall we had to go into a hall opposite were we were singing and it was called Blackfriars Hall. We went into Blackfriars Hall and hung our coats up and got ready to go on stage.
We went into St Andrews Hall and the atmosphere was electrifying!  As I sat down I was a bit nervous but mostly excited.  I sat down on the second row down from the top with all of the other schools and they were: Colman, Taverham, North Walsham, Drayton, Horsford and Millview.
As the conductor came onto the stage everyone in the audience started clapping and we sung our first song and it was called Gloria. Then after that we sang another song called Round for the coming of spring.  Once the song had finished everyone started clapping and then we started singing a song from New Zealand and it was called Pokara Kara Ana. The next song that we sung was called Hina Ma Tov. Then the conductor left and the stringed instruments came on, personally I found it boring! Then our conductor came on and everyone started clapping again.
Then we sung one of my favourites and it was called Silver Trumpet. Then after that we sung three more songs, then the brass band took over.  They did four songs and one was silver trumpet the song that we had just done. Then we came back on and as usual our conductor came on, and everyone started clapping and we did four more songs and they were sung in this order: Get me to the church on time, Chattanooga Choo Choo, Pack up your troubles in your old kit bag and also its along way to Tipperary. Then we sang some more songs and then we sang Get me to the church on time, again because everyone liked it so much. Afterwards I felt happy and excited and it was well worth it!

Julian  Meetings are groups of people who meet regularly in order to grow in the practice of contemplative prayer in the Christian tradition.  Julian Meetings welcome people of all denominations, or none.  More information from Irene Ames.



PRESENT:    Councillors Battley(Chairman),Cunliffe,Clarke,Farthing,Hind,
                        and Lilwall ,  7 Parishioners
APOLOGIES:  Councillor Smith. Mrs.I.Floering Blackman. Mr.J.Mallen
MINUTES OF LAST MEETING:  Agreed and signed. 
MATTERS ARISING:   - Paper Bank now has lock on back.
- Piece of triangular land in Norwich Road is not on PC Deeds nor part of Leeds Trust.  Councillor Lilwall had spoken to Mr. Gurney- Clerk to write asking him for confirmation on ownership.
- Village sign to be taken down and stored.  New sign part of Village Appraisal.
- Church View, The Street - erection of car port in grounds - No objections.
- Land at Reepham Road- demolition of existing bungalow and outbuildings. Erection of 10 dwellings and carports.   Paul Took, Breckland, confirms that at meeting on 28th April Planning are going to recommend refusal on numerous points including highways access and some of the buildings being outside settlement boundary. PC to be kept fully informed.
- Barn adjacent to Park Farm - change of use from farm shop to office.  Copy of letter from applicant(stating he will be using Barn to expand his accountancy business and expects no change in amount of traffic) circulated before meeting.  No objections.
-Old Workhouse Bar, The Street - still awaiting Brecklands conditions.
Parish Council Elections-   Four Councillors have resigned -  Andy Battley, Bill Cunliffe, Mary Farthing and Tony Smith. Councillors Clarke, Hind and Lilwall have been nominated for re-election. Two new Councillors have also been nominated - Mary Ann Jackson and Ailsa McColville.  This means that new PC will  have 5 Councillors instead of 7 required.   Awaiting confirmation from Breckland when PC can co-opt.
PC Accounts - As this was last meeting of current PC it was agreed that books should be signed.   Receipts £10,186.66 - Payments £5,542.87 - leaving sum of £4,643.79 to be carried over to year 2003/04. 
Village Appraisal -  There was a very good response. Details are being collated and a report published within 2 months.
Bawdeswell Village Hall -  It was decided that this will be fully discussed at the next PC meeting on 12th May when new PC convenes.  Clerk to be responsible for banking fees.   Piers Millington Wallace will take over bookings for Hall.
Children’s Play area -   Complaints have been received about state of area and lack of facilities.  Play area has been subjected to vandalism and several items have had to be taken away.   This is part of  Village Appraisal as it will cost in the region of £7,000-20,000 for new equipment, safety surface etc.
Next meeting is on Monday 12th May and will be our Annual Parish Assembly followed by PC Meeting.    7.30 pm. in the Village Hall.   All parishioners are welcome to attend.


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