The Reeve's Tale magazine  November  2003
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Held on the first Thursday of each Month at The Old Workhouse Bar at 7.30 pm.
The book choices for the October meeting are :-

Held in the Old Workhouse Bar on the 1st Thursday of the month at 7. 30.

The book choices for the November meeting are --

" Pepys-The Unequalled self " Claire Tomalin
" The Shell Seekers " Rosamunde Pilcher

One of our book choices for October, taken from the nation's  top 100 books, was "Cold Comfort Farm "  written in 1932 by Stella Gibbons.

This is the deliciously " tongue in cheek " story of Flora Poste, an enterprising 19 year old, orphaned  and left with an annual income of £100 which she is prepared to give to the relatives who will take her in.  To this end she writes to all her relations opting for the offer by her cousin Judith who writes that " my man once did your father a great 
wrong ".

In due course Flora arrives at Cold Comfort Farm inhabited by the strange Starkadder family,  "there have always been Starkadders at Cold Comfort Farm " she is told.
The controlling head of the family is Aunt Ada Doom who has spent the last 20 years in her bedroom seeing only her daughter Judith.  Many years ago she " saw something nasty in the woodshed " which nearly drove her mad and she will go madder if any of the family leave the farm !

We are introduced to the various members of the exceedingly eccentric and dysfunctional family, their adherents and animals with strange names - Viper the horse, Big Boy the bull and the cows - Feckless, Graceless, Pointless and Aimless, one of which loses a leg-- no one knows where or how !

Like a good fairy, Flora sets out to solve all the family's problems  which includes helping 4 members of the family to escape, arranging marriages and getting Aunt Ada Doom out of her room and abroad on holiday.

The book is well written with some entertaining passages of inappropriately descriptive phrases  starred by the author for their considered merit !

It all ends happily- ever- after with Flora being whisked away in a plane by the man she loves;  As to what Aunt Ada Doom saw in the woodshed and what wrong was done to Flora's father--that would be telling !

 Kath Miners


I would like to thank you for returning the parent questionnaires last term we had a good response and all the comments have been noted. 

We would like to remind you that we have an open door policy in the school. If you wish to speak with the staff in your child’s class or look at what they are doing, then you can come into school 15 minutes before (8.45am – 9.00am) or after the school day (3.15pm – 3.30pm). If you have any issues concerning school, please discuss them with teacher or Mrs Banbury, rather than at the school gates. Please make an appointment via Mrs Lambert in the office.  Playground gossip not only harms the school, it harms your child!
We are part of the Norfolk Healthy Schools Project and are therefore promoting healthy eating. Please do not give your child crisps and other high fat/high salt food for lunch and snack time. Chocolate and sweets are not to be brought into school; apart from being unhealthy and of little food value, other children who do not have them become envious and this causes problems between the children. 
All meals provided by the kitchen have been designed by county dieticians to meet the health needs of growing children.

Circus Ricardo is going to set up on our field on Sunday 2nd November. In the following week they will be providing free workshops of circus skills to the children of Bawdeswell School, and other schools in the Reepham cluster. Thanks to Miss Foucher’s association with the circus they have offered the community special price tickets of only £5.00 per person for all its performances. Performances are on: Friday 7th November at 6.30pm, Saturday 8th at 2pm and 5pm and Sunday 9th at 2pm only. Tickets are on sale at Bawdeswell Store, Johnson’s Garage Lenwade and at school (first thing in the morning).
School will receive a percentage of the takings, so please support this fundraising event.

Mrs Banbury will be leaving the school at the end of this term.   She will be taking up the post of Headteacher at South Harford Middle School, Norwich, which is located a lot closer to her home.
Mrs Banbury is sure that you will support the staff and governors in maintaining and continuing the high standards, which have been achieved over the last six years; and also the excellent relationships, which have been built up between the community and the school.


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