The Reeve's Tale magazine  October    2003
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In August we visited Titchwell RSPB reserve under the tutelage of Alwyn Jackson, and reported by Ray Gribble.
The trip started with a juvenile Little Owl on the road near Choseley Barns. Of the 20 species of wader, Little Stint, Spotted Redshank, the resident Black-winged Stilt, Greenshank, Ruff, Black-tailed Godwits and Golden Plovers were of note. Many of these were still in summer plumage but my favourites were the absolutely stonking (Ray’s word, not mine) Grey Plovers in full breeding plumage. In total at least 73 species were recorded.
We saw a family party of Bearded Tits feeding  at the edge of reeds close to the hide. Little Egrets and Avocets were constantly in view, reminding us that black and white birds can often steal the show. At this time of year ducks are in "eclipse" i.e. the males adopt virtually the same plumage as the females as they undergo the moult of their flight feathers. Nevertheless 10 species were recorded.
We had good views of Yellow Wagtail, Cuckoo, Sparrowhawk and Marsh Harrier and at sea we saw Eider, Fulmar, Gannet and Little, Common & Sandwich Terns.

Our next field trip is Sunday October 5th on the North Norfolk coast – details from Alwyn Jackson tel: 01362-637752

Our next indoor meet is 7.30 pm on Thursday October 16th at Lenwade Village Hall. New members always welcome. Details from John Horsman on 01328-856543 or e-mail: 
Colin Wright     01603 740548 [] 


On Sunday the 3rd August, Peter and Pamela Egmore opened their large garden at Churchview, The Street, to the public.   They could not have chosen a better day for weather.  All week before, the weather had only been ‘iffy’; but came the weekend and the clouds had disappeared and the temperature soared.  An essential ingredient for a successful attendance.
 Peter and Pamela, along with some help from the ‘usual faces’,  had erected gazebos and stalls, turned their summer house into a refreshment bar, and laid out on their immaculate lawn various games of bowls and quoits.  Although everyone had come to see their beautiful manicured garden and embryo wood, the stalls and games were certainly not neglected, and those overseeing them were kept nicely busy all day.
When the dust had finally settled at the end of the day, and the takings were counted, all the hard work had been generously rewarded with a profit of some £630. 00. which is to be shared between the Church Rebuilding Fund and the Village Hall.  For this the Village Hall Committee and PCC would like to express their heartfelt thanks to these two good friends of the village, Peter and Pamela.  Well done!


PRESENT: Councillors Hind(Chairman), J.Lilwall, M.A.Jackson,
                     A.McColville, P.Wallace
                     Mr. G. Bambridge (DC)  5 Parishioners
APOLOGIES:  Councillor Mallen.  Mrs.I.Floering Blackman(CC)
MINUTES OF LAST MEETING:    Agreed and signed
- Councillor Mallen elected as Vice Chairman.
- Mr. Paul Copeman co-opted onto Council.
- Work to commence shortly on hardcore slope from Saxon Meadows to Recreation field.
 PA's  circulated during recess:
- Mayes Cotage, The Street -extension/car barn (covered parking) 
- 24 Two Fields Way - Conservatory
- Stable Cottage, The Street - lst floor extension
No objections noted on above.
-- The Shetlands, Reepham Road - construction of day room - Objection - original PP was temporary until 2006 - permanent building changes value of this.
-PP granted to 25 Folland Court - change of use from bedsit to office.
Highways- Clerk to write regarding the recent resurfacing of The Street which is diabolical - potholes still remaining , resurfacing carried out around cars parked - no notification was given. 
Street Lighting:  Breckland ask if PC would take responsibility for levying 
charge for precept of street lights whilst maintaining Breckland as co-ordinator for maintenance and administration - Council can see no point in changes.
Speed Limits:  Letter from NCC stating 20mph. limits not achieving safety aims - funding for traffic calming measures(flashing lights) not available as location (Norwich/Reepham Roads)  not deemed dangerous.  Engineer to be invited to  PC meeting to discuss other options.
Mobile Police Station:   Very few visitors attended when originally parked near Village Hall and it was decided to park in Foxley with an officer visiting Bawdeswell on his bike to see if there were any problems..
Play Area:   All broken swings to be removed - two new cradle swings found in Hall loft to be fitted-price of two flat swings to be obtained.  Stepping logs to be removed as they have rotted. 
Audit:  Forms completed - Statement of Assurance signed by Chairman. 
Brown bins:   Clerk to find out if Pensioners have to pay for this service.



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