The Reeve's Tale magazine  April 2004
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Chairman :         Mr. Geoff Hind, The Willows, The Street 
Vice Chairman:  Mr. John Mallen, Bawdewwell Lodge, Bylaugh Park
Councillors:       James Lilwall, Church View, The Street
                         Piers Wallace, Laburnum Cottage, Paradise Lane
                         Ailsa McColville, Church Lodge, The Street
                         Paul Copeman, 'Summerfield' The Street
                         Graham Swain, The Old Balck Horse, The Street 
Clerk:                Mrs. Delia Riseborough, 6 Hall Road. 

Tel: 688234


The Village Hall Committee met on Tuesday 9th March.
Present: Jayne Bown(Chair),John Giffin,James Lilwall,Heather McCraith,Delia Riseborough,Fel Roberts,Nicholas Ward.
Apologies: Tracy&Paul Giles,Piers Wallace.
The committee have recently purchased a set of 50 co-ordinating mugs, tea plates and dinner plates which should ensure sufficient quantities for coffee mornings, etc.  Agreement was also reached to purchase 20 new tables which will be of a lighter construction than the present ones and 30 new black plastic chairs at a cost of approx. £1800. This means the hall will now have tables and chairs to cope with the occupancy under the current entertainment licence.
Work is in hand to sort out the various electrical problems that the hall is currently experiencing.
The parish council are fully aware of the problems with the drive and discussions for improvement are ongoing.
The long term objective of the committee is to give the Village a facility of which it can be proud.  We know it has its problems at the moment, but we do need your support from regular bookings within the community.
The next meeting is on the 13th April @ 7.30 at the Village Hall should you wish to attend.


The date is set for Sunday 27th June.  The following groups are currently involved – Pre-School, Friends of the School, Friends of the Church, the PCC, The Village Hall Committee.  If anyone else wants to take part, please come to the next meeting on 21st April at 7.30pm in  the Village Hall.
Any profits will be divided up equally amongst the charitable groups taking part.

BAWDESWELL STORE - Your Information Bureau

As part of our range of services, we can now offer “Information, Advice and Guidance” for anyone wishing to find out anything! 

That’s quite a statement, but this is basically how it works:-

You are thinking about improving your computer/secretarial/customer service skills. 
You are thinking about retraining as a counsellor/chiropodist/fitness trainer.
You would like to do voluntary work/raise money for charities/learn a new language.
You would like to sort your debt problems/leave an abusive relationship.
You are recently disabled/single parent/bereaved.
You want to set up your own business/want to join the forces
Maybe it’s local information you need – bus timetables/local schools/ parish information

You can afford to pay/afford to pay for some/need it to be free/funded/sponsored.

Want to learn through work/evenings and weekends/home study.

We can help you identify the problem, offer information and advice and work together towards a solution.  This can be either through a confidential consultation or by way of an informal chat.
We can put you in touch with other businesses or agencies that may be able to help you.

As the village store, we are already frequently asked all sorts of questions – some of which we can answer immediately, and others are referred onto someone else.

Either drop in, or call  688284 and ask for Fel.  There is help available for all sorts of things  – and a lot of it is funded so is FREE.  Let us be the first place to go to for INFORMATION or advice.

Are you a business or organisation that can help people?  Let us add your details to our database.


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