The Reeve's Tale magazine  July   2004
                                                                    page 14                                                                                                    page 15


Saturday 3rd July MID SUMMER’S PICNIC
All proceeds to Elsing Church
In the Rose Gardens of Elsing Hall
High Society Jazz Band
Bring your own Picnic, chairs, rugs etc.
Gardens open 5.00pm

Advance tickets £8 Adult/ £3.50 Child    Tel: 01362 637363 Daytime
(01362) 637961 or 637089 after
On the gate £9 Adult/ £4 Child

Saturday 10th  July ELSING VILLAGE FETE
From 2pm  till 4-ish at Elsing Memorial Hall
With:, Teas, Cake Stall, Tombola, raffle, Games for all the family, and various other stalls of interest.
Bouncy Castle!
Face painting!
Wheelie Bin Race at 3pm – DON’T MISS IT!
Can you come? Because all the fund raising from this event will be going toward the village hall improvement fund!

Sunday 11th July
CEILIDH in wedding marquee at the Old Rectory, Sparham
6.30 – 9.45pm
Music by Happy Feet Ceilidh Band
Tickets – Adult £5, Child £2 from Mary Humphrey (01362) 688449 or Judith Pryke (01362) 688426
Includes finger buffet – bring your own drinks and glasses.



The last Sunday of May was the choir’s second appearance at one of our united benefice services since it was formed at the beginning of the year. 

Again they have been working hard over the last couple of months preparing the hymns and two anthems for the communion service. They must be congratulated for their commitment and enthusiasm. This was clearly demonstrated by the quality of their singing at the service and the lead they gave to the large congregation in the hymn singing.

Many thanks again to Edwin who skilfully accompanied us at the organ and 
Jane Ewing who played her flute in the Brother James' Air and the descant on 
the last verse of the final hymn.

Thanks also to those of you who gave us encouragement and warm words of 
appreciation after the service, it makes a difference.

The choir starts rehearsals again on Thursday 15th July , 7.30pm at Church 
View, Bawdeswell. We need more members, why not come along, its fun and very 
rewarding. Just ask one of the members. Do you play an instrument and would 
like to get involved ?  If so, let me know.
Our next service is Sunday 31st August at 10.30am Bawdeswell.

James Lilwall   Tel:  688499



July  9th and 23rd.    Details from Irene Ames

‘I will never leave thee nor forsake thee.
Why all this struggle?
I am in the very midst of thee, closer than breathing, nearer than hands or feet.
Why struggle as if you had to seek for Me and search for Me?
Why struggle as if you had to hold Me?
I will never leave you;
I am with you always.’