The Reeve's Tale magazine  June  2004
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Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting held on 12 May 2004 at 7.30 in the village hall.

Apologies Mr Dennis Barrett
Present Mr. J. Harvey Mr N. Mears Mrs. R. Waller, Mrs Betty Slattery, Mrs I Floering Blackman (CC) Mr. G Bambridge (D C) Mrs. M White (clerk) and 7 parishioners
Minutes   The minutes of the previous meeting on 13 May 2003 were read and adopted as a true record.
Matters Arising The problem with the school bus had finally been resolved by the parents.
Open Discussion   One parishioner raised the issue of traffic which is steadily eroding the bank outside his house and the residue is blocking the drains. Damage to verges in general is causing concern.  The Homewatch sign had been lying in the hedge for some 2 1/2 years. A letter would be sent to the Homewatch coordinator to ask him to collect and re erect the sign.   The 20mph sign in chapel road had been put up, broken and now taken away for repair.  Verge from Foxley to Bawdeswell had been partially cleared but the brambles were still obstructing the path. Clerk would take the matter up with Highways. Mr Harvey would speak to the owners/tenants of the field in which the brambles grow. Meeting closed at 7.50pm

Minutes of the Annual Parish Council Meeting which followed the above, with the same persons present.
Election of Officers: Chairman Mr J Harvey proposed by NM seconded RW. Vice Chairman Mr N Mears proposed by JH seconded BS.
Minutes of previous meeting on 13 May 2003 were read and adopted as a true record.  Matters Arising:  None
Chairman's Report: 5 meetings had been held during the year and the main points raised were planning applications, drainage and highways matters. He expressed his grateful thanks to: The Vice Chairman and other councillors for their time and input; the County Councillor and District Councillor for their invaluable advice and support: The Chairman of the Village Hall Committee and the members of the committee for their success  in raising funds for the refurbishment of the Hall: Mr John Driver and all who worked on the Village Appraisal : Mrs Steadman and Mrs Dunkerly, the previous clerks and Meg White, the new clerk: the parishioners who turned out on often inhospitable evenings to share their views and concerns.
Financial Report: Apart from a small amount of interest, the sole income of the Council was the precept. Copies of the balance sheet were available. Sadly the clerk had made an error when applying for next year's precept and BDC had overpaid the amount requested. They were unable to correct the amount; it follows that the precept asked for in 2005 will be lower.
Village Hall Committee Report: The Chairman reported a year of great activity with 4 grants found and   serious refurbishment, including a Disabled Toilet,     took place. Norfolk Probation Service had produce free labour for exterior and interior painting.
The work was completed in March. The hall is now fully insulated with dropped ceiling, new walls and floor and new electrics and fittings. The Hall is in much demand with Bowls on Monday evenings, Computers on Tuesday afternoons and the Social Club on alternate Wednesday afternoons. Ken Walton our local well known artist is using the hall as a venue for his Easter Exhibition and for his Art classes on Thursday evenings in the Autumn. 
Future plans: An extension at the rear for storage, hard surface for the car park and new folding tables.
Mrs Floering Blackman and Mr Bambridge offered their congratulations to all concerned, as did the Chairman of the Parish Council.  Meeting closed at 8.20pm

Foxley Parish Council
Extracts from the meeting on Wednesday 12 May, 2004 at 7.30 in the village hall.
Present: as before
The minutes of the last meeting accepted and signed.
Matters arising:  Mrs Floering Blackman apologised for not bring the Tetra report. 
Foxley Wood - doubts were raised about the apparent lack of management of the locking of the gates and NWT did not seem to be moving quickly to solve the problems. A letter to our MP had resulted in a letter from the Head of the Dept that deals with Travellers which actually said, in effect, nothing.
Mrs Floering Blackman offered to help by personal contact and another letter would be written to NWT and to Mr Simpson.
Letter would be written to AWA asking for their report on the work allegedly carried on in February and a plea for regular maintenance and inspection.
Correspondence: included a Housing Strategy Questionnaire which needed answering. Changes to processing of complaints by The Standards Board for England were noted.
Letter from Keith Simpson regarding Foxley Wood mentioned in Matters Arising.
Planning Applications: None but questions were asked about parking outside Peran Wisa. It appears that a turning circle and parking spaces have not been completed as specified by BDC planners. Letters to that effect will be sent to BDC .
Extra Ordinary Meeting on April 22, 2004 had resulted in a good turnout of parishioners (45 + 2 young people + Parish Council, a D Councillor and the clerk.) Serious and thoughtful discussion took place and it was concluded that no extra low cost housing was needed at this time and the search for a recreation area was not finished. The full report will be posted on the notice boards, or apply to the clerk.
Finance: Copies of the annual expenditure were available and will also be posted on the notice boards. Confirmation of cheques paid to be written.
Insurance: It was agreed that because of the splendid refurbishment of the Hall, the Buildings Insurance should be increased to £100,000 and the insurance duly paid.
Date of the next meeting:  Wednesday 14 July 2004 at 7.30 in the Village Hall.
The meeting closed at 9.40 pm

 FIELD TRIP TO HORSEY: We walked along the dyke bordering Breydon Marshes where we saw superb views of Marsh Harriers rising above the reed beds, caught sight of a Sparrowhawk and a Buzzard and, for non-birders, a Chinese Water Deer was seen on the grazing marshes. After lunch we moved off to Winterton Dunes in search of  a reported Ring Ouzel which we eventually found. Thanks to the patience and guidance of the expert birders in the group we also saw a Black Redstart, Common Scoter, Stonechat, Firecrest and, with the help of some nifty optics, a brilliant view of a Long Eared Owl roosting in a garden tree. 

At our indoor meeting we had another first class slide show by WVBS member David Pelling on ‘Birding in exotic places’. 

We have three outdoor meetings in June. Thursday June 3rd  at West Raynham, Thursday June 17th at the Brecks (both evening meetings) and Sunday June 27th  at Minsmere. For full details please ring me or Alwyn Jackson on 01362 637752.  

There is no indoor meeting in June.

Colin Wright:  01603-740548   []


In the absence of Aleathia, Ruth opened our May meeting, which was attended by 13 members and a prospective new member, Gill Page.  Carol read the Minutes for last month and future events were discussed.
Ruth then introduced our guest speakers.  Susan Warr, proxy delegate for the National Meeting in Sheffield, spoke first, explaining the procedure for the Resolutions. She said that W.Is decide on a subject. This is submitted to Federation, then to London, when a total of over 80 subjects eventually gets short-listed to three.  Each Federation then has a vote.
Yvonne Sizeland, in her capacity as Resolutions Officer, read out the three Resolutions (Trafficking of women and children, Growing of GM crops, and funding of the Air Ambulance Service.)  These highly topical subjects were discussed at length and Susan was authorised to take the result of our vote to Sheffield.

Colleen won the raffle and the usual refreshments were served.
Our next meeting is on l4th June at the Old School Room, Sparham at 7.30 p.m. The speaker’s talk has the rather intriguing title of  “My Life in Crime" and the exhibit is a Gift Wrapped Box.  

We look forward to seeing you all.   Mary Humphrey


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